About Kimberley Shilson, MA, C. Psych.
I am a Clinical Psychologist practicing in the Niagara Region with over 30 years of clinical experience. In Canada and the US, I have worked in children's mental health agencies, adult mental health programs, and within the VAW (violence against women) sector. During this time I developed and piloted a violence prevention curriculum for middle school students (Atlanta, GA), created a group program for mothers and children living with/fleeing domestic violence, developed clinical training programs, and provided supervision and consultation for many treatment teams. In 2010, I published a therapeutic storybook about the impact of trauma on the child's developing brain (Benjee and His Brain), and in 2019 Routledge published my book, Somatic Methods for Affect Regulation: A Clincians’ Guide to Healing Traumatized Youth.
For the last 20 years, I have focused on trauma treatment, training, and clinical consultation. Through Sensorimotor Psychotherapy training, I have enhanced my understanding of the mind-body connection in the treatment of attachment-based and trauma-related concerns. I am certified in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) and EMDR, and a certified SP consultant. Mindfulness practices have become an integral component of my work with trauma over the past 15 years. Other somatic modalities and frameworks, including yoga and qi gong, are also integrated in clinical work.
In addition to keeping private practice hours four days per week, I provide clinical consultation and training. I currently offer trauma treatment for clients referred by the Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Program, assist with training for the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, I provide workshops for Safeguards Training, and I provide customized workshops and trainings for organizations and groups.
Regulatory Bodies and Affiliations
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISST-D) member
Member of EMDRIA and EMDR Canada
MA in Counselling Psychology (Adler School of Professional Psychology, 1997)
BSc Psychology & Women's Studies (University of Toronto, 1992)
Additional Intensive Training
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (Certified), Consultant
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) - Basic Training, and advanced training in EMDR with Children and Youth with Ana Gomez (October 2018).
TF-CBT (certified)
Trauma and dissociation, dissociative disorders
Trauma and neurobiology
Working with survivors of child sexual abuse
Youth and affect regulation
When not working, you will likely find me strolling along a shoreline with my furkids, or practicing qi gong, hiking or forest bathing, dancing in the kitchen, baking or cooking, gardening, or riding my motorcycle.